Special Area Classes


World Languages

Reid Traditional Schools’ World Languages program is designed to prepare our students for global success. We offer Mandarin, Spanish, Italian, French and German to students in grades 3 – 8 by partnering with the award-winning Rosetta Stone program, recognized as one of the world’s leading language-learning providers. Students work in a guided, self-paced environment designed to develop everyday conversational skills, guide pronunciation, and teach grammar and verb conjugation. As students progress through this powerful and intuitive language program, the classroom instructor supplements the program with lessons about world cultures and geography.

Computers and Technology

Students in grades 1-8 participate in the Technology Lab. They first learn proper keyboarding techniques and then word processing and file manipulation. Later they master spreadsheet and database usage and move on to desktop publishing using graphic arts and digital photographs. In the upper grades, students design multimedia presentations, explore basic programming concepts, design web pages, utilize 3D printing, and work with Robotics. Computer lab time is coordinated with classroom assignments so the students can apply their knowledge in real-world applications.


The art curriculum has two main purposes: to instill a love of the creative process and to impart an appreciation of great works of art and art history. Like the great masters, students acquire skills by studying techniques of other artists. They employ a variety of media, including pencils, pastels, pottery, and acrylic and watercolor paints. Direct instruction in technique and style teaches the importance of vision, perspective, and motivation. Through art history studies, students identify many great masterpieces and artists.


The music curriculum is designed to help students acquire knowledge about a diverse range of musical styles. They are taught to critique music independently and with others. They learn to read and notate music and put this knowledge to use by composing short pieces of music. Students also gain public performance experience by singing and playing instruments at school-wide concerts. For students interested in further instrumental or vocal instruction, Valley Academy offers band and chorus outside of the regular school day.

Physical Education

The major goals of the physical education curriculum are to develop personal activity and fitness habits and to enhance motor skills.  The physical education curriculum helps students learn about individual sports  and team sports. They enjoy games such as basketball, volleyball, softball, and flag football.  Students also participate in the Presidential Fitness Contest, run a timed mile, and enjoy a track and field day.

Why our students love us!


We really love the material that is being taught to Kindergarteners and the way it helps them understand the basics of math, language, spelling and more.


- Kindergarten Parent



I'm so thankful for this school. Having my daughter in Pre-k and now kinder, I'm so impressed that she's already reading!


- Kindergarten Parent


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