
Excellence Starts Here

At Valley Academy, we believe that every child should receive a quality education as a foundation for a secure, successful future.

K-8 Kindergarten - 8th Grade Pre-Enrollement Application

You may submit a Pre-Enrollment Application, and we will contact you when a classroom seat is available. If there is no current opening, we will add your child's name to our waiting list.

Completing the online form does not obligate your child to attend Valley Academy, but it does reserve your spot in line so that you can make a decision when a spot comes open. Please complete a separate application for each child in the family, including siblings of current students.

Interest List

If you do not want to enroll now but would like updates about the school and notification of important dates, please leave us your name and email. We will add your name to our Interest List and send you occasional reminders. Click the button below to be added to the interest/mailing list.

K-8 Kindergarten - 8th Grade Admissions Calendar Overview

We are now accepting enrollment applications for all grades.

We will contact you if placement is available during the current school year. For the next school year, students in grades K-8 may apply during Open Enrollment, which is held during the first two full weeks of November. Those names will be placed in random order by a lottery in early December.  Applications received after Open Enrollment are added to the waiting list in the order they are received, behind the Open Enrollment applications.

The list below gives a general outline of the admissions process and important dates.

  • Early November – Pre-Enrollment Applications accepted for the school year that begins the following August. Applications received at any time during the two-week Open Enrollment period are equally likely to be offered a classroom position.
  • Early December – All applications received during Open Enrollment are put in a lottery to determine their order on the waiting list.
  • November to August – We continue to accept Pre-Enrollment Applications on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Mid-December – Early offers of enrollment begin.
  • April – Kindergarten readiness and registration appointments are scheduled.
  • Mid April to late Summer – First through eighth grade offers of enrollment continue, registration appointments are scheduled.
  • Ongoing – We continue to offer placement as we become aware of classroom openings. We ask that all of our families, new and returning, do their best to let us know if their school plans change as soon as possible. Our goal is that every student in every grade would be able to participate in the first day of school with their new classmates.

Kindergarten Information

We offer free full-day kindergarten! We want our newest students to have a great beginning in kindergarten, so we invite them to visit the school to show off all they have already learned.  If there are areas your family can review with your child for the best start, we'll let you know.  CLICK HERE for kindergarten readiness information.

To enroll for kindergarten during the 2024-2025 school year, the child must have been five years old on August 31, 2024. Beginning with the 2025-2026 school year, we may enroll students who are not yet five according to the birth dates listed below.

  • Born on or before August 31, 2020 : Kindergarten admission is offered.
  • Born between September 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020 : Preschool* OR Kindergarten, if Kindergarten Readiness assessment is successful.
  • Born after December 31, 2020 : Preschool*

*Our academic preschool for four-year-old children is a private, tuition-based program.

Preschool Enrollment

Reid Traditional Schools’ Valley Academy Preschool is dedicated to providing a nurturing educational environment that prepares four-year-old children for kindergarten success.


We recommend Reid Traditional Schools' Painted Rock Academy Preschool, located on 25th Drive near Greenway Road, for three year old children.

Please click on the topics below for detailed information about our programs.

PLEASE NOTE: Preschool applicants must be 4 years old on or before August 31st of the school year.

Reid Traditional Schools’ Valley Academy is an equal access/equal opportunity school. If you have trouble accessing this website because of a disability, please contact the Disability Coordinator at [email protected] or 623-478-2344, ext. 115.