
Our Public School CTDS Code is 078749001.

Arizona allows a tax credit for donations made to public schools for extracurricular activities. Preschool is NOT an extracurricular activity. More information about making a Tax Credit Donation is at the bottom of this page. To make a donation, simply click on one of the buttons below.

Make a Tax Credit Donation

$ 200.00-$ 400.00

KG-8th Grade TCD

$ 50.00-$ 400.00

Tax Credit Dontation Info

Thank You For Your Interest In Our School.

There are a variety of ways to lend support to Valley Academy. The school is a 501(c)3 organization and can provide tax receipts for all donations. Our staff and students appreciate the generosity of our community.

Did You Know?…
Charter Schools Receive Less Funding Per Student

A recent study conducted by the Arizona Department of Education determined that charter schools serving K-8 students are funded at a significantly lower level per student than district schools. This makes your contribution even more important and appreciated.

Support your children with an Arizona Tax Credit Donation.

Making A Tax Credit Donation Is Easy

Simply download and fill out this form and return it to the school office or mail it with your payment.  It’s even easier to donate online.

Our Public School CTDS Code is 078749001.

Who Is Eligible For Tax Credits

Individuals and couples who pay Arizona taxes may participate. You do not have to have a child enrolled in school to claim the credit. So encourage all your Arizona family and friends to support our school and get a dollar-for-dollar refund for their generosity.

It is always best to consult a tax adviser to see if you qualify for this dollar-for-dollar credit.

These donations support our school
extracurricular activities
including sports, clubs and music.
Your help means a lot to the kids,
and we all thank you for your donation.

When To Make Tax Credit Donations

Tax Credit donations are accepted throughout the year and are usually used for the current tax year.  However, if you donate between January 1st and April 15th, you may choose to use this donation for the current year’s tax return or the prior year’s return.

How Tax Credits Work

Arizona taxpayers may write a check or make a contribution via credit card on the school website.  When you file your Arizona state taxes, the amount of your contribution is subtracted from what you owe or added to the amount of your refund. For example:

  • If you owe $700 in Arizona state taxes and make a $400 contribution to our school, you subtract $400 from the taxes you owe – so you now owe $300.
  • If you are expecting a $600 refund on your Arizona state taxes and make a $400 contribution to our school, you add $400 to the amount of your refund – so your new refund will be $1,000.

Making tax credit donations is
like paying your taxes directly
to our school!

If you were not required to pay Arizona taxes, perhaps because you did not work during the year, or were required to pay only a small amount, the tax credit can only be used to reduce your tax liability to zero. You can, however, carry any unused tax credits forward up to five years. Here’s an example of the above scenario:



  • You were injured and only worked a few weeks during the year, so your state tax liability was $50. You made a $200 tax credit donation. You can use $50 to pay the current year taxes, and carry over $150 in tax credits to be used next year.

Amounts Available For Tax Credits

Couples filing joint tax returns may donate any amount up to $400; individuals filing single and head of household may donate up to $200. Married taxpayers filing separately can claim up to $200 on each return. Corporations and business are not eligible for these tax credits.

Support our school and get a dollar-for-dollar
refund. There's no downside!

We Put These Donations To Good Use

Tax credit donations are used for many things. Recently, our schools have purchased sports equipment for school teams, paid referee fees, purchased music, paid coaches, purchased games and art supplies for after school programs, purchased materials for after school clubs, and funded intramural and state-wide competition costs. With your help, we have been able to expand the extracurricular opportunities for our students, and they appreciate it.

Arizona Department of Revenue

For more information, the Arizona Department of Revenue has prepared a brochure on School Tax Credits.  Click below to view the brochure:

Cash & Material Donations

Cash and materials are always welcome!

If you would like to make a donation, please contact the Valley Academy office at (623) 516-7747 ext. 116 or contact us here.

Suggested Items for Donations:

  • Funds for campus improvements
  • Peanut Butter Project items (peanut butter, grape jelly, bread)
  • Old uniforms, cough drops, and wipes for the Nurse’s Office


Thank you for your interest in Reid Traditional Schools’ Valley Academy.