Board Of Directors

About the Board of Directors

Reid Traditional Schools’ Valley Academy, Inc. is a private non-profit corporation.

The corporation holds the charter for Reid Traditional Schools’ Valley Academy. The charter is a legal agreement between the corporation and the school’s sponsor to offer a specific type of public education. The Valley Academy, Inc. Board of Directors is also the Board of Directors for the school, Valley Academy. It self-selects new members based on the Board’s needs and applicants’ dedication to preserving and protecting the school and the charter. Members of the Board of Directors are unpaid volunteers.

Each member serves a three-year term. To the extent possible, terms are staggered to maintain a balance of experience on the Board.  In accordance with Arizona law, Board members may serve for an unlimited number of terms.

Board Responsibilities

The Valley Academy Board of Directors is responsible to the school’s sponsor (Arizona State Board for Charter Schools) and the charter which allows Valley Academy to exist. The charter makes it clear that the Board must supply a public traditional, back-to-basics education.

The Board sets policy, approves educational programs and textbook adoption, monitors educational and operational outcomes, and adopts a yearly budget. The Board is also the final step in the organization’s due process for employees, students and their families, and other stakeholders.

The responsibility to oversee and administer programs and policies rests with the Chief Executive Officer, who is hired and supervised by the Board. The CEO hires and supervises the Principal.

Board Action

The advice of the public (primarily client parents and guardians) and employees is given careful consideration before action is taken on any item. The Board’s first concerns are for the educational program as it affects students, the charter, and compliance with all applicable state and federal regulations. Final decisions may depart from the advice of the public when, in the judgment of the Board, such advice is not consistent with the charter, the school’s focus and goals, or within reach of available financial resources.

Board Meetings

Regular meetings of the Governing Board are usually held on the fourth Thursday of each month. However changes are made to avoid holidays and when quorum is unavailable. Special meetings are called as needed, usually to meet compliance with applicable regulations or to facilitate efficient business operations. The board may occasionally adjourn into Executive Session, which is a private meeting closed to the public, only under certain circumstances as prescribed by law. All meetings except Executive Sessions are open to the public, and everyone is encouraged to attend.

Reid Traditional Schools maintains insurance coverage to protect Directors and Officers. This policy applies to issues arising from breech of duty, neglect, error, misstatements, and omissions. Directors and Officers coverage also applies to employment practices and benefits issues. Additional details regarding these policies are available upon request.

Board members have access to a number of professionals to assist in decision making and investigations. These include attorneys, auditors, insurance brokers, and technical service providers. This support system is designed assist members in meeting the demands of the office.