Preparing Students for Kindergarten
Valley Academy Preschool is dedicated to providing a safe, nurturing educational environment.
Reid Traditional Schools’ Valley Academy Preschool expands a preschooler’s knowledge and prepares them to be successful in kindergarten through age-appropriate academics using weekly thematic units of learning.
Enroll for Preschool
Reid Traditional Schools’ Valley Academy Preschool is dedicated to providing a nurturing educational environment that prepares four-year-old children for kindergarten success. Please click on the topics below for detailed information about our programs. Three-year-old children are welcome to attend preschool at Reid Traditional Schools' Painted Rock Academy, located on 25th Drive south of Greenway Road.
We provide a program based on developmental milestones that will foster a positive self image and social skills through reading readiness, pre-math, language developmental activities, music, art, and movement activities.
Thematic units will focus on:
• Phonemic awareness and letter recognition
• Awareness of print and early reading concepts
• Number recognition and early math concepts
• Critical thinking skills such as predicting, recalling events, and sequencing
• Music, Art, and Movement will be used to develop fine and gross motor skills.
Language and Literacy Development
• Instilling the love of reading through listening to fine literature
• Retelling stories and drawing pictures about stories
• Understanding the relationship between letters and sounds (early phonics)
• Knowledge of print
• Written expression with use of words or drawings to convey meaning
• Sorting
• Understanding directions (up, down, top, bottom, etc.)
• Recognizing numbers
• Simple problem solving
• Patterns and functions (basic shapes, colors, and classifications)
As children explore the classroom and outdoor environments, they learn about science and the role it plays in our lives.
The focus is on developing an understanding of:
• Making and recording observations (the concepts of same and different)
• Exploring our environment (the five senses)
• Exploring our earth (weather, plants, and animals)
Music is shared each day. Children enjoy listening to music, learning dance, creative movement, and singing.
Creative Arts and Expression
Experiences are planned for the sheer joy and excitement of self expression through art, including coloring, painting, drawing, and making objects and crafts.
Physical Fitness
Physical fitness activities are designed to help children develop basic motor skills (run, hop, jump, skip, etc.) and experience the meaning of team play.
Reid Traditional Schools’ Valley Academy offers full-day and half-day preschool for four-year-old children with classes held Monday through Friday. We also offer Extended Day hours for before and after care, with a separate meeting space dedicated to our youngest students.
We recommend three-year-old students attend our other location, Reid Traditional Schools' Painted Rock Academy, located on 25th Drive, south of Greenway Road.
Students who are not picked up at the end of the preschool day are automatically admitted to Extended Day, and additional fees apply. There is no after school Extended Day for half-day students.
To be eligible for preschool, the child must be four years old on or before August 31st of the school year and must be fully toilet trained.
- Full Day Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Check in as early as 8:00 a.m.
- Half Day Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Check in as early as 8:00 a.m.
- Extended Day Hours-Before School: 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
- Extended Day Hours-After School: 3:30 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.
- Extended Day Hours-After School Early Release Days: 11:30 a.m. to 6:15 p.m.
Please note that Preschool follows Valley Academy’s calendar including Winter Break, Spring Break, Monday Holidays, other Holidays, and early release days.
Full Day Preschool tuition is $6500 per year, payable in ten monthly payments of $650.
Half Day tuition is $3500 per year, payable in ten monthly payments of $350.
Full Day Preschool tuition is $7000 per year, payable in ten monthly payments of $700.
Half Day tuition is $4000 per year, payable in ten monthly payments of $400.
Discounts are available to those who pre-pay for the full year, as well as to those with a sibling enrolled at Reid Traditional Schools’ Valley Academy.
Students who are not picked up at the end of the preschool day are automatically admitted to Extended Day, and additional fees apply. There is no after school Extended Day for half-day students.
When we offer your child enrollment, a $40 registration fee and the first month of tuition are required to secure your classroom position. These payments are non-refundable.
EXTENDED DAY RATES (before and after care)
Before School Extended Day (6:30-8:00): $3.50 per day
After school Extended Day for full-day students (3:30-6:15): $6 per hour
After school Extended Day- Early Release Days (11:30-6:15): $6 per hour
After School Extended Day attendance is rounded to the nearest 15 minutes.
We encourage you to complete a Pre-Enrollment Application form to join the waiting list. Preschool waiting list applications may be submitted beginning the first Monday in November for the following school year.
Students must be four years old on or before August 31st of the school year in order to be placed on the Waiting List, and they must be fully potty trained. Placement in preschool is offered based upon the Waiting List. There is not a lottery for preschool placement.
We highly recommend our sister school, Painted Rock Academy, for students who are three years old.
In late March, we will begin notifying families that placement is available, and we will continue to contact families about registration until all places have been reserved. The $40 registration fee and first month’s tuition are required to reserve your child’s place; these payments are not refundable.
We would love to have every one of our preschoolers attend Valley Academy’s kindergarten, but membership in our preschool program does not give priority placement status for following year’s Kindergarten class. We do, however, make sure our preschool families know when the public Kindergarten Open Enrollment windows are, for the greatest likelihood of being offered enrollment.
For more information, you may refer to the Preschool Handbook that is posted in the Document Center.