Now that the walls and ceiling are complete, things are moving quickly in the new building. A fresh layer of white concrete fill prepares the block walls for future paint. The outside curved awnings are being welded into place. Inside, classrooms are being framed. Each step of the way, design details are discussed and plans are reviewed then checked again to be sure our students have a beautiful, safe place to learn.
Below, a construction worker uses a chop saw to cut steel framing to length for use in one of the kindergarten classrooms. The doorway that used to lead outdoors from near the Art and Computer rooms is currently sealed closed. Soon it will open into this short hallway that leads to the Kindergarten playground.
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This hallway has a long window overlooking the Kindergarten playground on the left and Kindergarten classrooms on the right. Near the end, you will turn left to pass the Kindergarten MPR, the VAPO room, and Preschool classrooms on your way to the existing 1st-8th grade building. The picture on the right shows the VAPO room with a window into the toddler play area.
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Mrs. Wilber confers regularly with the contractor and the architect to stay up to date with the current work. Safety precautions are strictly followed on the construction site, including wearing the required hard hats and construction vests. Making it official, Mrs. Wilber and Ms. Mitchell were given vests with their first names embroidered on them. Thank you, DL Withers!
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